Music gentlemen, so this past Friday night, I had a little date night with the wife. We went for sushi, beer, and afterwards, we had some ice cream. It was delicious. Saturday morning, I woke up and looked in the mirror. My face was a swollen, puffy mess. Combined with my crazy water retention and the fact that I haven't groomed or maintained my beard in about a week, I looked 20 pounds heavier. The good news is that my extremely bloated face is your video tutorial inspiration. Today, I'm going over six tips to have a more defined face and a stronger jaw. After the six tips, I'm actually going to show you an exercise that you can do to help strengthen your jaw and reduce those persistently chubby cheeks. Alright, so the first three tips are going to be about what you can do to physically have a thinner face and a more defined jaw. The last three tips are going to be grooming, smoke and mirrors things you can do to give yourself the illusion of a stronger, more structured face. First tip: stay hydrated. If you are not properly hydrating and not drinking enough water, you have a tendency to retain water in your face, making it look rounder, fuller, and chubbier than you probably want. By giving yourself the proper amount of hydration throughout the day, your body flushes it out and makes you look thinner. Tip number two: reduce the amount of sodium you consume. Sodium is everywhere but it's really bad in unhealthy foods that contain a lot of salt. Tip number three: lose body fat. Have you ever seen somebody who's lost like 20 pounds and you're like, "Man, you look incredible!" Where do you notice it first? Their face. It's ridiculous...