Law number one: Never outshine the master. Nicola Fuki made the mistake of appearing larger than his king, Louis XIV, and spent his remaining days incarcerated. Avoid victories over superiors, as it will cost you more than it is worth. Lonna mature, never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies. Michael the 3rd of the Byzantine Empire was saved from death by Basilius, who Michael in turn favored with gifts and prestige. Basilius, lusting for more power, murders Michael out of greed. Instead of showing gratitude, he was insatiable. Trust from a distance, people are selfish and pursue their own interests. Former opponents make more loyal and stronger friends. - Law number three: Conceal your intentions. The mesquita Sevigny wanted to seduce a young countess, instead of being indirect and subtle, he exposed his true feelings for her, and she lost all interest as he blurted out that he loved her. Add a sense of unexplainable mystery to your character. - Law number four: Always say less than necessary. - Law number five: So much depends on reputation, guarded with your life. During the Second World War, Aravindh Rommel was known for his superior skill in cunning and the scepter strategy. All of the opposition were demoralized and doubting their chances of success facing him. Your reputation precedes you, so build and protect it carefully. - Law number six: Courting attention at all costs. Pablo Picasso would not allow himself to fade into the background; he would rather paint something out of the ordinary and ugly than be forgotten. All publicity is good publicity, so don't let yourself become one of many. - Law number seven: Get others to do the work for you. Thomas Edison wasn't much of a scientist, but a businessman. He would...
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