The brain is the most important and underutilized part of the human body. The late great actor John Wayne once said, "Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid." And yet, despite this common-sense wisdom, our self-absorbed culture is increasingly obsessed with entertainment and personal expression. While those things are great, we must balance them with personal development, education, self-discipline, and a strong work ethic. Hence, the wisdom of my favorite ancient proverb: "A wise man will hear and increase learning." It's easy to have an opinion. Opinions, after all, are the cheapest commodity on earth. Opinions should be based on more than preference and taste. They should be based on information and analysis. Presidential elections are a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Americans are full of opinions about our presidential candidates and have no problem expressing those opinions in a variety of ways. But how many American voters have actually read the Constitution of the United States, which, after all, is the supreme law of our land and the very basis of our government? In fact, even if a candidate wins the office of the presidency by virtue of an election, he or she must take an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States before they can ever occupy the White House. Don't you think it's kind of important, then, that the voters read the Constitution before voting for president, especially when you consider that the very job description of the presidency is found in Article 2 of the Constitution? I tend to agree with comedian Bill Maher, who says we should forget the town halls and replace them with study halls. And let's talk about religion. How many people with strong opinions concerning Islam have read any portion of the Quran? How...