It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of force, by our skills with a lightsaber. Music, what's up guys, my name is Collin from Star Wars and this week we're taking a look at my personal favorite of the lightsaber combat styles, and that is Form II, also called Makashi, the contention form, or the way of the ESL Amiri. Now, a big part of the reason I like this form so much is because of one of its more famous practitioners, that being Count Dooku, but we'll get to him a little later. Let's start things off at the beginning and how Form II came to be the most disciplined and elegant of the classical lightsaber combat styles. Form II was developed after the first Jedi fell to the dark side, with the emergence of Dark Jedi and the Sith. It was suddenly necessary to be able to effectively combat other lightsaber users. Prior to this, there was simply no need for a specialized technique in lightsaber combat in an era where the Jedi openly warred against the Sith. Mastering Makashi could very literally be a lifesaver. Form II succeeds with its elegance, its emphasis on tight, meaningful footwork, and its attention to balance. A Makashi duelist fights with mathematical precision, advancing or retreating exactly and only when it benefits them, gaining a positioning advantage over their opponents, one deliberate step at a time. A Jedi using Makashi fights in a far more linear way than most other styles, moving along a central line, one foot in front of the other. "Must I tell you? Control my central line." There are no backflips or vertical somersaults like in Form IV, nor are there the wide swinging strikes of Form I. If Shii-Cho was a blunt instrument,...
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