Hi, I'm picky apricot Steve Andrews, and I'm going to show you how to use authorize.net to accept online payments on your wild apricot site. Authorized.net is one of several payment systems that you can use to accept online credit card payments. You can provide for one-time payments and recurring payments. Once you've integrated your authorized.net account with your wild apricot site, visitors to your site can pay online for membership fees, event registrations, and to make donations. When a visitor fills out a membership application form or event registration form and chooses to pay the invoice online, they will be directed to a secure wild apricot payment screen. On the form, they fill out the credit card details and billing information, then click the Pay button to complete the payment. After the payment is processed, the visitor is returned to the invoices and payments tab under their member profile. An invoice will appear along with a payment entry if the payment was successful. For security reasons, credit card information is not stored in wild apricot. Instead, authorized.net receives and processes the payment details and returns the status of the payment transaction, which is recorded in your transaction details. Before you can set up your wild apricot site to accept online payments through authorize.net, you must have an authorize.net account. To integrate your authorize.net account with wild apricot, you will need your API login ID and your merchant transaction key. To find your API login ID and transaction key, log into your authorize.net account. Then, under account, click settings. Under security settings, click API login ID and transaction key. The API login ID will be displayed on the screen that appears. From here, you can also generate a new transaction key. If you want to set up recurring payments for membership fees, you must...
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