All right, this is Richard Bern. In this video, we're going to take a look at how you can receive an email whenever someone completes your form. Now, there are two ways you can do this. There's an add-on in the add-ons gallery called "Form Notifications," which will simply alert you that someone has submitted a response to your form. There's also an option for email notifications for forms, and that's what we're going to look at right now. This option will show you the responses in your email. Now, let's go ahead and set it up. Let's create a new rule. The email will come from me and go to me. Who's going to receive the notifications? What's handy here is that I can notify myself or others of submissions to this form. It can also notify the submitter, and we can attach a PDF copy of the submissions. Let's say our email subject will be "RSVP to Event." Now, let's go ahead and see how this works. So, we'll submit this and say, "Yes, I will." Max is attending and he heard about it from a friend. Let's say, "Can't wait to be there." Now, in my email, I should receive a notification telling me that someone has submitted a response. Now, we see here "RSVP to Event," and here are the results. We can also have it as an attachment in PDF format. So, that's how you can create form notifications that arrive in your email. For more tips and tricks like this, please check out
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 5495 Notification