Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: - Music Aristotle describes change as something coming to be of some quantity or quality. - The universal process of change requires only two things: a subject and a pair of contras between which it changes. - Similar to the distinction between things that are accidental in the subject or essential of a subject, there is also a distinction between accidental change and substantial change. - Sorry, maybe I'll play Aristotle, but your philosophical lingo doesn't really demonstrate the difference between the changes. - So let's look at some things we're more familiar with. Here's 2015 Kevin Durant, small forward for Oklahoma City. - If it were 2015, we would give him this description, but is it essentially predicated of him if he decides to go south to the Golden State Warriors in 2016 because he thinks he's too good for OKC? - Has he undergone a substantial change? Yes, because now he's a snake. Kenan just kidding, he's still the same Kevin Durant with a few million more haters. - Here's another example: Kevin Durant could be in the middle of a game when he gets into a fight with a guy named Russell. - He gets benched because his hothead gets him in trouble. - He went from one contrary, playing basketball, to another, getting benched. - In simpler terms, he was moving, and now he isn't. He's changed. But is he still himself? Yes. - So since things like team allegiance and motion aren't essentially predicated things of Kevin Durant, any changes to them are not substantial changes. - Alright, here we go. Here's our next example: he's tall, he has an undying love for Aristotle, and his hobbies include fantasy basketball and researching ancient philosophy. - He's an overall cool dude. So let's give this brawler a gangster name...
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