My name is Robert from Team I'll calm, and in this video, I'll give you a detailed step-by-step guide on how to allow your website visitors to book an appointment through WordPress using a free plugin called easy appointments. To get started, install and activate easy appointments. It's free and listed at, so you can install it directly from your WordPress dashboard. Make sure you install the right plugin because there are a few different plugins with similar names. Once you activate it, you should see a new easy appointments tab in your dashboard sidebar. Head there and go to the settings link. The first thing to set up is your locations. To add one, click on "plus add new location" and enter a name, address, and location. You don't need to include all of the fields. For example, if you are booking appointments for digital meetings, you don't need to add a business address or location. You can add as many locations as needed. On the services tab, you can click "plus add new service" to specify different services people can book, as well as how long the services last. Again, you don't need to enter all the fields. For example, you can leave the price blank if you don't want to specify a price. To set up a service for a free one-hour consult, you would enter something like this. Notice the blank price field. Next, add two workers and enter the name and contact information for each worker you want to allow visitors to book. If you are the only one accepting appointments, all you need to do is add an entry for yourself. Otherwise, you can include each available worker in a separate entry. The connections tab is where you actually link up your locations,...
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