Kara was 23 weeks pregnant with their fourth child when she was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. The doctor told her that she should start cancer treatment immediately. But to Kara, she knew that cancer treatment would be very bad for the baby. She also knew that the baby would have a much better chance of surviving if they were able to wait until the 28th week of pregnancy. So, she said no. At 28 weeks, they delivered her baby, a healthy baby girl weighing only two pounds and one point two ounces. It was December 5th. However, Kara died three days later on December 8th. She had to make a decision as to what was most important - her life or the life of her daughter. It was clear what her priority was. The Christmas season is a time of priorities. You may not think that the priorities you have to decide on matter as much as the one that Kara did, but you have priorities too. Priorities such as where to spend your time, where to spend your money, who to give your attention to, which party to go to, and how many days off work to take so you can spend time with your family. There are many different priorities during the Christmas season. During this time, there may also be a question in the back of your mind - whether or not you are anybody's priority. Will anyone remember you? Will they get you what you wanted? Will they care? Will they remember the hints that you dropped a while back? There are all sorts of priorities that come up during the Christmas season, and it has always been that way. In the original Christmas story, there was perhaps no more overlooked group than the shepherds out in the field....
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