Hello, in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create surveys using Forms. Let me show you an example here. So, this is a form I created to collect feedback and information from my existing students. I've used forms for many years, and they're awesome. Forms are free, easy to use, and very customizable. To give you an example of what you can get from running a survey with Forms, here I have a form with 120 responses. If I click on the responses, you can see very nice graphs telling you what people have responded. So, in this case, when I'm asking what is the main reason you're stuck creating an online course, I can see that the main reason is not having a clear action plan. What do you need to get unstuck creating an online course? The main reason is a clear step-by-step action plan, right? And then, anything else gets added into this list. Then, I collect the email addresses, and also I can see the actual results on a sheet. And I can do further data analysis after I collect my responses. So, this is very useful if you have a list and you want to collect information. Let's show you exactly how you do this. Because not only am I going to show you how to create a Form, which is pretty straightforward, I'm going to show you how to create automatic email responses. One for you as the administrator, so you can know every time somebody fills up the form. And also, a confirmation email to the user that fills in the form as well. So, how do you do that? Very simple. You have to go to goo.gl/forms to download this checklist. And we're going to go through this checklist...