Hi Jim Lankin Shapiro, divorce 661 combo. We're not talking about divorce today. You notice I have my Marine Corps hat on. This is a video that, if you will watch this for three minutes, will save you hours of time and frustration trying to get your veteran status on your driver's license. On November 11th, 2015 Veterans Day, this year for 2015 days, the Veterans Affairs and Debbie now say that we can get a veteran's designation on our driver's license, which I think would be very cool for your discounts and things of that nature. Not having to carry around a dd-214 or a military ID card, it'd be nice to say veteran right on your driver's license. So I followed the instructions on the DMV website and followed the instructions on the Veterans Affairs site, and basically, all of the instructions are wrong. So I'm gonna give you the exact instructions on how to obtain this, and I'm going to put a PDF of the actual form which you can't get anywhere online, release where I can find. They're making everyone go down to the Veterans Affairs site, so the wrong information is this: they are saying that what you first do is go down to a local veteran affairs veteran service affairs office VSO office and obtain the forms, and what they're telling us is bring your dd-214 so they can sign off on the form and you would think he'd be good to go so you could go to do because I have a couple weeks to renew and I wanted to get this on the license so I went down there thinking I'm gonna get the form, get him to sign off on it, and what they gave me was a bunch of red...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 5495 Veterans