Welcome to our Housing Benefit and council tax support help video. This video provides tips and advice on making an online application. To access the forum, go to our homepage and click on "online services and payments". Then, click on "Housing Benefit and council tax support" and select "apply now" by clicking on the green button. The application forms are compatible with all devices and browsers, including smartphones and tablets. All the important information can be found on pages one, two, and three of the forms. Take your time to read through this information carefully. Once you begin answering the questions, the forum will guide you to the next relevant question. Note that the blue questions are mandatory and must be completed. Some questions may have a drop-down menu where you can select an answer. When providing your answers, make sure to provide us with your email address and phone number so we can contact you if needed. If a specific date is required, please use the pop-up calendar to ensure you enter the date in the correct format. To save a form, use the green buttons. If you are unable to finish the form, you can use the load button to continue at a later time. This can be done at any point while completing the form. If a yellow "P" is indicated, it means that proof is required for that particular question. This may include wage slips, proof of identity, bank statements, and tenancy agreements. You can use the upload and attach file button to include photos of the necessary proof with your form. The show/hide button will display a list of all the photos you are sending. Please note that you cannot submit the form until all errors have been corrected. To identify the errors, click on the...