In this video I'm going to show you how to construct the perfect client testimonial video and this format is the exact same format that I use with my local clients so stay tuned have you been correctly sync thank you hey nobody told me you guys were coming over today well now that I have you here we might as well talk about client testimonials everyone knows that people find from someone that they know they like and they trust in one of these best ways to build that know like and trust with your client or your audience is through customer testimonials but you need to know how to construct them correctly and use them correctly for them to be really effective so let's go ahead and check it out come on guys let's go all right so we actually put together a five step guide showing you guys exactly how to construct your client testimonials now before we begin there's a couple things you need to remember never script your client testimonials because they need to be real and authentic this also means to never hire an actor to give you a fake testimonial now the last thing you need to remember is to add any motion but never go over-the-top I'm just so happy I can't express myself how happy I am I leave it off I'm happy or sad adding too much emotion like that could actually hurt your image and make your testimonial seem pretty fake so step number one is starting with the fear the concerns and the current results now this step is really important because it allows your video viewer to connect and identify with you and your customer in the testimonial chances are your video viewer is experiencing the exact...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 5495 Testimonials