Just consider it for a moment. You feel pressure regarding your class grade and have an opportunity to turn in work that's not your own to get ahead. You can tell a friend an important truth, which might also end the friendship. You recognize that the continued use of fossil fuels in cars and planes contributes to climate change, yet you want to get where you need to go. You wonder about the implications of placing your child in a new charter school with higher testing scores, as opposed to supporting your own neighborhood school. At a party, you see an interaction between a man and a woman that seems off, and you wonder whether you should intervene. We face challenges, both large and small, and if we listen closely, they ask ethical questions of us. What are my principles? What are my values? What do I stand for? These questions ask us to consider our obligations to ourselves and to others, the decisions and actions that are required of us, and how these decisions and actions form a part of who we are or our character. As ethical persons, how well-equipped are we to respond to these challenges? On what basis do we tell a friend a painful truth, as opposed to engaging in deceit? Or decide to intervene to help someone in need? More generally, how do we know what it means to live a good life? As a philosopher and educator, I'm interested in how we recognize these questions, but also how we learn to respond to them well. You're probably familiar with what an educator is, right? One who teaches. And perhaps you've met a philosopher before. Two others were exotic species of some kind, right? But philosophers are the ones who ask big questions. You...